Human Rights: A Concept Beyond The Propaganda, Can Be A Saviour Of World In Corona Crisis
Human rights: A Concept Beyond The Propaganda Human rights are the most benevolent concept of human civilisation. However it is often confused with a tool against victims, and to save the culprits. Although this is the phenomenon which saved the world from the scars of the Second World War and protecting humanity above any other interest of human beings. Generally, we hear this word during news channel debates, where human right activists argue for rights of the accused more than rights of the victim; and a general trend has become that human rights are a concept to support the accused/criminals. Is it so? Have we really understood it? Or this saviour of humanity has been misrepresented before the common man. Concept Of Human Rights Human beings are rational beings. By virtue of being human they possess certain basic and inalienable rights, these are commonly known as “Human Rights”. They become operative since a person's birth. These rights are inherent in every human...